What to Do If You Face Workplace Discrimination or Harassment
Your workplace should feel and be safe. You should never feel that you are being harassed or discriminated against because of your race, you sex, or your sexual orientation. Employers have a duty to ensure a workplace environment free of discrimination, and when they do not, they must be held to account. Workers are the backbone of our economy and our strength as a nation. Diversity in the workplace and equal treatment should not be just an aspiration.
Both state and federal laws exist to protect workers from discrimination and harassment. Illegal sexual harassment can occur is situations where the harasser is the victim’s supervisor, an agent of the employer, a supervisor in another area of the office or plant, or even where the harasser is co-worker or a non-employee. If you are being harassed you should immediately tell the harasser to stop the unwanted conduct and file a written complaint with your employer. If the harassment continues or you feel retaliated against for reporting the harassment, you should immediately speak with an attorney. Leonard Law can help you understand your rights and help use the law to protect you from future instances or retaliation and harassment.
Illegal discrimination can also occur in numerous situations. The law forbids discrimination in every aspect of employment, which includes but is not limited to advertisements, recruitment, application and hiring, background checks, referrals, pay and benefits, discipline, employment references, and harassment. Should you ever feel that you are being discriminated against because of your race, color, religion, sex, gender identity tell your employer, and if it continues, file a formal complaint. If the discrimination still does not stop, call an attorney. You have a right to go to work and do your job free of discrimination. If that is not happening now, Leonard Law can help.